Injury & Accident Law Blog

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What Is An Injury Rating?

If you were injured in a workplace accident, you might have heard the term “injury rating” thrown around. If you’re …

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North Carolina Industrial Commission

If you’re dealing with a worker’s compensation claim due to a workplace injury, you’ve likely heard about the North Carolina …

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Filing a Workers’ Compensation Claim in North Carolina

If you’ve been injured in a workplace accident, you’ll want to take advantage of the North Carolina Workers Compensation Act …

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Elevator Accidents in Vacation Rental: Can I File a Lawsuit?

Elevator accidents are serious and can tragically happen to you and/or a loved one on a vacation rental property. In …

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Who Is at Fault in A T Bone Accident?

Side impact collisions, sometimes known as T-Bone collisions, are both common and dangerous. They occur most frequently at intersections when …

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What Happens if I Am Injured on a Vacation Rental Property In North Carolina?

An injury can happen anywhere and anytime, even while you are on someone else’s property. For example, you may experience …

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Recovering Damages in Personal Injury Cases: Here’s What you Should Know

If you have been personally injured due to the negligence of another, you may be experiencing serious financial impacts due …

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Catastrophic Injury Claims Involving Vacation Rentals in North Carolina: Here’s What You Should Know

Catastrophic injuries can easily occur at vacation rentals while enjoying a relaxing time with loved ones. These are often properties …

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Horton & Mendez Injury Attorneys Have Been Selected as Super Lawyers Rising Stars 2022

As former insurance defense attorneys, Nick Mendez and Devlin Horton know how the insurance companies operate. Don’t settle your case …

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