Injury & Accident Law Blog

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Is Drunk Driving an Example of Gross Negligence in NC?

When a motorist causes a drunk driving accident, there are additional factors in play that are not present in a …

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North Carolina Total Loss Threshold

When you have been involved in an accident, you are facing different losses. One financial consequence is that your car …

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Why Are Pedestrian Deaths On the Rise?

The statistics regarding serious pedestrian injuries and deaths are getting more alarming by the day. The numbers have gotten far …

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Factory Injuries at Work: Can You Claim Benefits or Compensation?

Every day, numerous factory workers across North Carolina are injured on the job. Some may discover that the effects of …

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How Lawyers Investigate Truck Accidents

In any personal injury case, you need evidence that shows the other party was to blame to be in line …

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Torn ACL Workers’ Comp Settlements in North Carolina

One of the more serious injuries that you can suffer at work is a tear in your anterior cruciate ligament. …

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Who Gets the Money in a NC Wrongful Death Lawsuit?

Losing a loved one suddenly and tragically is perhaps the worst thing that can ever happen to a family. The …

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What If You’re in an Accident With a Government Vehicle?

In North Carolina, there are over 7,500 vehicles available for state employees to use. This total does not include the …

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Workers’ Compensation for Food Processing Plant Accidents

There are thousands of workers in the food processing industry in North Carolina. Food processing plants with lax regulations and …

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