Can I Sue a Wrong-Way Driver for Hitting Me?

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Wrong-way driving accidents are among the most severe types of car crashes there are. Both cars will hit each other head-on, presenting the risk of serious injury for each driver.

Those who survive wrong-way accidents will likely be left with serious injuries. It is rare to walk away from a wrong-way accident completely unscathed. Call Horton & Mendez Injury Attorneys if you or a loved one have suffered an injury from a wrong-way driver.

Wrong-Way Accidents Are Perhaps the Most Dangerous Car Crashes

A wrong-way accident is even more dangerous because it often occurs at high speed. Usually, the driver going in the wrong direction is oblivious to the fact that they are headed in the completely wrong direction. They may not realize this fact until it is too late. The driver in the proper lane has no idea that they are about to be hit head-on, and there is little they can do to avoid the crash. Even if they manage to avoid a head-on collision, they may veer into another lane, where they are hit by another car.

Common Causes of Wrong-Way Accidents

Wrong-way accidents are most common on two-lane rural roads and highways in North Carolina. All it takes is one moment of inattention for a driver to veer into oncoming traffic and strike another car. Wrong-way crashes can also occur on city streets, where there are no guardrails or medians.

The distracted driving epidemic has also caused an increase in the number of wrong-way driving accidents. A driver needs to look away from the road for a few seconds to miss the proper sign or a change in the roadway.

In addition, reckless driving has also caused a spike in wrong-way crashes. Drunk drivers also do not see signs telling them which direction to travel, if they can comprehend them at all because they cannot process instructions in the same timeframe as sober drivers.

Although there is little that can prepare them for an onslaught from a wrong-way driver, motorists should drive defensively at all times. If they see another driver going the wrong way down the road, they should call law enforcement immediately to report it.

Financial Compensation in a Wrong-Way Crash Claim

Wrong-way crashes are a clear example of either negligence or recklessness. Either way, the responsible driver has breached their duty of care to act reasonably under the circumstances. It is often not difficult to know which driver was responsible for the wrong-way crash.

Once you can establish that the other driver was responsible for the accident, you can file a claim against their insurance policy or a lawsuit against them directly. Assuming that you can prove their liability, they owe you the following damages:

  • The complete costs of your medical care
  • Property damage to your vehicle
  • Lost wages for money that you can not earn from work
  • Pain and suffering for the post-accident experience, including harm to both your physical and mental health
  • Loss of enjoyment of life

If you are reading this after your loved one died in a wrong-way accident, your family can file a wrongful death lawsuit against the responsible driver. Here, the personal injury will be the loss of your loved one.

Wrongful death damages can be considerable because your family has suffered a severe loss. The insurance company is looking to pay you as little as possible without regard for what your loved one meant to you and the role they filled in your family.

Why You Need a Wrong-Way Crash Attorney

Even if liability is not a contested issue, you will still need one of our attorneys to fight for you. The insurance company may try to pressure you into a below-market settlement that only pays you a fraction of what you are owed.

The insurance company may get away with paying you pennies on the dollar if you do not have an experienced lawyer on your side. Our attorneys aim to get you every dollar you deserve in a car accident case.

Contact a Wilmington Car Accident Lawyer Today

If you need to take legal action against a wrong-way driver, Horton & Mendez Injury Attorneys serves North Carolina. We can handle your case from start to finish as you seek the financial compensation you legally deserve.

We offer free consultations to prospective clients if you want to call and discuss your case. To speak with an attorney, call us at (910) 668-8067 or send us a message online.

Car Accident Case FAQs

Can I still file a lawsuit if I was hit by a drunk driver?

Yes. The civil and criminal legal processes are largely separate. You can still get financial compensation, regardless of whether the drunk driver is sent to jail or acquitted.

When should I call a lawyer after a car accident?

You should call a lawyer as soon as possible after you have suffered an injury. Procrastinating can cost you money.

Will my car accident case settle?

If the facts and law are on your side, you will be entitled to financial compensation. In all likelihood, your case will settle without the need for a trial.

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