Criminal Defense

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Being charged with a crime can be a frightening experience.

For many of our clients, their involvement might have been as innocent as being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Or, they had a justifiable reason to break the law but had trouble convincing the officer to exercise police discretion and let them off.

Things happen fast when dealing with the police. Officers have the benefit of formal training and numerous encounters with people each day. In contrast, many people only come into contact with officers only a few times in their lives.

At Horton & Mendez we offer free initial case evaluations and will discuss with you your potential options.

After you hire us, we will conduct an investigation, analyze your case, and help you decide the best route to protect for your interests. We’ll also go to bat for you with the District Attorney’s Office and work to get you the best outcome possible. We provide our clients with practical advice to help them put their criminal matters behind them so they can get on with life.

Contact the North Carolina criminal law attorneys at Horton & Mendez today for your free confidential consultation.

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Awards & Recognitions

Nationally Recognized, Locally Focused

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Notable Results*

We’ve recovered millions for our clients. No amount of money can undo a life changing injury. Our mission is to make sure you don’t suffer financially.


Jury Verdict

Negligent design of roadway case against NC DOT and motorist that resulted in catastrophic injuries.


Trucking Collision

Distracted driving that resulted in orthopedic injuries.


Burn Injury

Judgment in severe third degree burn injury case.


Confidential Settlement


Improper Residential Installation

Improper installation of residential refrigerator that caused orthopedic injuries.


Bike Accident

Cyclist struck by underinsured motorist.


Rear End Collision

Rear end collision that resulted in our client suffering a back injury that required surgery.

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More Wins

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