Eminent Domain

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Eminent domain refers to the government’s power to take private property for a public purpose.

The United States Constitution, North Carolina Constitution, and other laws require that the government pay just compensation for private property taken through the exercise of eminent domain. Just compensation is usually measured by the property’s fair market value.

Unfortunately, the government sometimes gets it wrong. If you believe the government is short changing you and taking your land for less than its fair market value, contact the North Carolina eminent domain attorneys at Horton & Mendez to investigate your situation.

Court proceedings to take land under eminent domain are typically referred to as a condemnation action. There are different types of condemnations that vary in degree.

  1. Complete taking: your entire tract of land is being taken.
  2. Partial taking: the government is taking part of your property, perhaps to build or expand a road.
  3. Temporary taking: part or all of your property is being taken for a limited period of time.
  4. Easements and rights of way: typically used to allow a utility company or government to install power lines, sidewalks, drainage features, or other public works over private land. You are entitled to compensation for granting an easement right.

Contact the North Carolina eminent domain lawyers at Horton & Mendez today for your free confidential consultation.

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We’ve recovered millions for our clients. No amount of money can undo a life changing injury. Our mission is to make sure you don’t suffer financially.


Jury Verdict

Negligent design of roadway case against NC DOT and motorist that resulted in catastrophic injuries.


Trucking Collision

Distracted driving that resulted in orthopedic injuries.


Burn Injury

Judgment in severe third degree burn injury case.


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Improper Residential Installation

Improper installation of residential refrigerator that caused orthopedic injuries.


Bike Accident

Cyclist struck by underinsured motorist.


Rear End Collision

Rear end collision that resulted in our client suffering a back injury that required surgery.

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