Spinal Cord Injuries

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Your spinal cord plays an integral part in everything that you do.

Few injuries can be as devastating. Spinal cord injuries typically involve injuries to the neck, upper and lower back, vertebrae, spinal cells, and nerves running down the length of the cord. Critical nerve cells can also be damaged, resulting in partial or complete paralysis.

When someone else is responsible for your life changing spinal cord injury, they need to be held accountable. After a free consultation with the attorneys at Horton and Mendez, we will work diligently to investigate your unique circumstances. Depending on your injuries, we may utilize a team of medical professionals and life care planners to identify the causes of your injury and set out a plan to help improve your quality of life.

Every year there are thousands of spinal cord injuries. The three types of these injuries are:

  • Complete Spinal Cord Injury: This results in total paraplegia. With this type of injury, victims lose complete function, sensation, and movement.
  • Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury: Injury where some degree of function, sensation, and movement remains. This type of injury can be one of the following categories: anterior cord syndrome, central cord syndrome, posterior cord syndrome, brown sequard syndrome, or cuada equine lesion.
  • Spinal contusions/nerve damage: This is the most common type of spinal injury and typically results in temporary aggravation.

We will tailor your legal strategy to fit the type of spinal injury you have suffered. While no compensation can bring back your pre-injury life, we will work tirelessly to make sure the responsible party is held accountable. We will develop a plan designed to help you obtain the compensation you need so that you have the resources to adjust your lifestyle, get better, and move forward. Call the North Carolina spinal cord injury attorneys at Horton & Mendez today for your free confidential consultation.

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Notable Results*

We’ve recovered millions for our clients. No amount of money can undo a life changing injury. Our mission is to make sure you don’t suffer financially.


Jury Verdict

Negligent design of roadway case against NC DOT and motorist that resulted in catastrophic injuries.


Trucking Collision

Distracted driving that resulted in orthopedic injuries.


Burn Injury

Judgment in severe third degree burn injury case.


Confidential Settlement


Improper Residential Installation

Improper installation of residential refrigerator that caused orthopedic injuries.


Bike Accident

Cyclist struck by underinsured motorist.


Rear End Collision

Rear end collision that resulted in our client suffering a back injury that required surgery.

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