Wilmington Golf Cart Accident Lawyer

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Wilmington, NC, is a great place to hit the links, and as a result, we see our fair share of golfers. Many neighborhoods are also golf cart friendly with neighbors using golf carts to visit friends, the marina, or just take an evening ride. Unfortunately, with all this action comes golf cart accidents in Wilmington. According to StarNews Online, city safety officials remind those who drive golf carts that all the rules of the road that apply behind the wheel of a car also apply behind the wheel of a golf cart.

Golf cart accidents in Wilmington are all too common and all too dangerous, and if someone else’s negligence leaves you injured in such an accident, seeking the legal guidance of an experienced Wilmington accident attorney is in your best interest.

Golf Cart Accidents

Golf cart accidents come in many forms. Consider the following:

  • Driver negligence on the part of someone behind the wheel of a car can lead to a golf cart accident on the street.
  • A negligent driver behind the wheel of a golf cart can strike and harm a pedestrian, can cause an accident with another golf cart, or can even cause a traffic accident with another vehicle on the road.

Golf cart accidents generally come down to negligence on the part of the golf cart driver or on the part of the other motorist involved, and such negligence can take any of the following forms:

  • Excess speed
  • Aggression
  • Exhaustion
  • Failure to follow the rules of the road
  • Impairment
  • Distraction

Are Golf Carts Street Legal in Wilmington?

Golf carts are classified as low-speed vehicles (LSVs), and they are street legal in Wilmington – within certain parameters that include:

  • They can only operate on roads with a posted speed limit of 35 mph or lower.
  • They can cross a street with a higher posted speed limit but can’t drive on it.
  • To operate after dark, there must be two working headlights and two working taillights on the cart.
  • They must be driven by someone with a valid driver’s license.

If you’re going to take your golf cart on the street, it’s also important that you carry insurance on it and register it just like you register your vehicle. Further, just because it is legal to take your cart on the street, you’re taking a risk and should always proceed with extreme caution.

Risk factors include:

  • Golf carts offer far fewer protections than vehicles do.
  • Golf carts can’t maintain the same speed that other vehicles do.
  • Golf carts are more difficult to see than other vehicles.

If someone else’s negligence leaves you injured in a golf cart accident, a trusted golf cart accident lawyer is standing by to help.

Types of Golf Cart Injuries

The impact of a golf cart accident can lead to the same kinds of injuries caused by other traffic accidents. And if the accident is caused by a negligent driver on the street, you – as an occupant of the golf cart – are far more vulnerable to serious injuries.

Some of the most common injuries associated with these dangerous accidents include:

  • Broken bones
  • Sprains
  • Soft tissue injuries, such as whiplash
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Concussions and other traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)
  • Burns, cuts, and abrasions

Who Is Liable for a Golf Cart Accident?

Every golf cart accident is specific to the unique circumstances involved, but liability is always determined in accordance with the evidence. Your golf cart injury attorney will carefully gather, compile, and assess the evidence in your claim to ensure you can effectively demonstrate the at-fault party’s liability in the matter.

Avoiding Golf Cart Accidents

There’s a lot to love about getting out on the golf course and taking your cart for a spin, but to play it safe, it’s important to keep all the following in mind:

  • Take turns with care and slow down considerably for sharp turns.
  • Stay off your phone and avoid other distractions.
  • Never carry more passengers than you have seats for – and seat belts if your cart is street-legal.
  • Watch your speed and never race or engage in other forms of horseplay.
  • Don’t forget to engage the brake completely when you need it.
  • Avoid driving over treacherous terrain.
  • Be especially careful when driving downhill, and never reverse downhill.
  • Make sure everyone keeps their limbs inside the cart.

Drivers who fail to follow these rules put themselves, their passengers, and others in their midst – including pedestrians – at serious risk of injury.

An Experienced Wilmington Golf Cart Accident Attorney Is on Your Side

If you’ve suffered an injury by a negligent driver behind the wheel of a golf cart or have suffered an injury in a golf cart accident that was caused by another vehicle on the street, it’s a serious matter that calls for experienced legal guidance.

The Wilmington accident attorneys at Horton & Mendez Injury Attorneys have a wealth of experience helping clients like you resolve their claims favorably. We advocate for victims and their families. Don’t hesitate to contact us online or call us at 910-405-7751 for more information about what we can do for you today

Golf Cart Accident FAQs

How much is my claim worth?

You can seek compensation for the losses – or legal damages – you experience in a golf cart accident that was caused by another party’s negligence in all the following categories:

  • Medical bills
  • Lost income
  • Pain and suffering
  • Damage to your golf cart
Why do I need an attorney?

Having a skilled accident attorney on your side is the surest means of protecting your right in pursuit of your rightful compensation.

How can I afford an attorney?

It’s not uncommon for victims of golf cart accidents to shy away from the additional expense of hiring an attorney. [1] However, you’ll be pleased to learn that most work on contingency and don’t get paid until their clients’ cases are successfully settled.

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