Injury & Accident Law Blog

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What If I Miss Work Because of a Car Accident?

In every car accident settlement or jury award, the defendant (usually through their insurance company) must put you in the …

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What Happens If Workers’ Comp Denied Your Surgery?

For some injured workers, getting workers’ compensation benefits is only part one of your story. Workers’ compensation benefits are intended …

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When Are Punitive Damages Awarded for Car Accident Injuries?

In a large majority of situations, your car accident damages reflect the two major categories in which you have suffered …

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Will Workers’ Comp Cover Car Accidents on the Job?

There are several potential rules that govern the type of compensation that you will receive when you have suffered an …

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What If I’m Injured at an Airbnb or Vrbo Property?

Airbnb and Vrbo Have experienced explosive growth since the concept originated back in 2008. At any given time, there are …

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Does Medicare Cover Auto Accidents in North Carolina?

When you have car accident medical expenses, you will probably need extensive care before you can receive any settlement check. …

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Can Workers’ Compensation Be Awarded for Scarring?

Workers commonly suffer injuries that leave them with permanent scars. One question that we are commonly asked is whether they …

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What is North Carolina’s Premises Liability Law?

Premises liability lawsuits encompass a wide variety of cases when you are on the property of another. If you suffer …

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Can You Sue a Drunk Driver for Hitting You in North Carolina?

Some people make the mistake of thinking that justice is only served through the criminal process that the drunk driver …

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