Injury & Accident Law Blog

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How to Mentally Recover From a Car Accident

While taking care of your physical health after a car accident is an absolute must, you should also prioritize your …

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Injured by a Falling Object: Who Is Liable?

Falling objects are extremely dangerous. When an object falls from height, it can pick up speed, multiplying the force at …

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Whiplash From Car Accidents in North Carolina

Whiplash often happens in rear-end car accidents. When your car is stopped or moving slowly, a vehicle that strikes it …

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Car Accident Traumatic Brain Injury Compensation in North Carolina

Traumatic brain injuries are one of the most expensive physical injuries a car accident victim can suffer. Not only must …

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How Long Does it Take to Get a Workers’ Comp Check?

How long it takes to get a workers’ compensation check depends on many factors. What has the communication been between …

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Are Landlords Liable for Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in North Carolina?

The inhalation of carbon monoxide can result in death. This gas is odorless, tasteless, and colorless. North Carolina state law …

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North Carolina Parking Lot Accident Laws

During busy shopping months, many car accidents occur in parking lots rather than on roads. Since cars often travel in …

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What Happens If You Don’t Exchange Information After a Car Accident?

After a car crash, emotions can run high and tensions can rise. A hostile driver who refuses to give you …

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What If My Car Accident Aggravated a Pre-Existing Condition in NC?

When you have been involved in a car accident that was someone else’s fault, you can expect the insurance company …

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