Injury & Accident Law Blog

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How Much Is a Paralysis Injury Claim?

If you have been involved in an accident, damage to the spinal cord may result in paralysis, which can be …

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Construction Workers’ Compensation Claims in North Carolina

Construction sites are one of the most dangerous work environments possible. Statistics show that roughly one in every ten construction …

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Motorcycle Hit and Run Accidents: What to Do Next

If the driver has left the scene of your motorcycle accident, it may complicate your attempts to obtain full financial …

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Should You Talk to the Auto Insurance Adjuster?

It is in the insurance company’s interest to try to talk to you during the claims process after an auto …

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What If a Truck Driver Forgets Their Pre-Trip Inspection?

The trucking company and the truck driver have numerous obligations when it comes to maintenance and safety. One requirement is …

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Is Lane Splitting Legal in North Carolina?

If there are any ambiguities in a law, the insurance company will try to exploit them. One way that the …

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How Do You Prove Wrongful Death in North Carolina?

It’s likely that you are already going through an excruciating time when you have lost a loved one in a …

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Can You Get a Workers’ Comp Settlement for Multiple Injuries?

If you have been involved in a serious work accident, you may have suffered more than one injury. This is …

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Do You Need to Report a Car Accident in North Carolina?

The police report written about your car accident is a valuable piece of information when you are filing an insurance …

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