What Is the Average Car Accident Settlement Amount in North Carolina?

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When someone is in a car accident in North Carolina, they often ask questions about average car accident settlement amounts.

Horton & Mendez Injury Attorneys discuss average car accident settlement amounts.

What Is the Average Car Accident Settlement for NC?

Because car accident settlements cover large claims to the very small, there is truly no typical average settlement. A minor accident with a single doctor visit may settle for only $5,000, while a case with serious injuries and a long recovery period might settle for $500,000 or more.

Calculating an average can’t reflect the many small factors that impact a settlement amount. Also, most car accident settlements aren’t public record, so an average would be hard to calculate.

Understanding Car Accident Settlement Average Amounts

The average car accident settlement may be important to you if you:

  • Are you trying to decide whether to bring a claim
  • Want to know what a claim might be worth
  • Have received a settlement offer
  • Need to plan after an accident
  • Are you learning about car accident laws and how they impact settlement amounts

Learning about average car accident settlements can help you understand the law in North Carolina.

How To Use This Average Settlement Guide

The average car accident settlement can’t tell you what you will receive for your case. An average is just that—an average.

Some people will receive more and some less. There may be a few high-dollar cases that skew the average.

Use this average settlement guide to learn about what can impact a settlement. Always talk to a lawyer for a personalized evaluation of what you might receive in your case.

Factors That Determine Car Accident Settlement Amounts in NC

Economic damages

One of the goals of car accident compensation is to make the person whole for economic loss. Economic damages include medical bills, lost work, property damage, and replacement personal services.

Economic damages aren’t always straightforward. Medical bills might occur in the future, for example. Injuries may impact a person’s entire career. The amount of these economic damages is a significant factor in a car accident settlement.


Financial losses alone don’t measure the harm from a car accident. A person can suffer pain and emotional anguish. This personal suffering can’t be measured by doctor’s bills. Someone might suffer greatly, and this personal suffering and anguish is a factor in a settlement amount.

Clarity of fault

North Carolina is a contributory negligence state, and this rule is unforgiving. If you’re to blame at all for the accident, you get nothing. If there are questions of fault, the defense may be more willing to take the case to trial, hoping for a favorable verdict. The effect is greatly reduced settlement averages where shared fault is a question.

Legal issues

The person seeking compensation must prove their case. Legal issues like admissibility of evidence or whether a certain jury instruction should be given can create doubt. If there are legal questions, it might lower the car accident settlement amount.

Ability to pay compensation

A person must be able to collect the amount they are awarded. Sources of compensation, such as insurance policies, impact the amount paid in a settlement.

Common Types of Compensation in North Carolina Car Accident Claims

  • Emergency medical bills, urgent care
  • Follow-up medical expenses
  • Physical therapy, other therapies
  • Mental health care
  • Prescriptions, mobility devices, over-the-counter medical supplies
  • Lost income, career damage
  • Pain and suffering, emotional anguish
  • Lifestyle damage, injury to reputation and society
  • Vehicle damage, other property damage
  • Replacement household services, personal care expenses

For a category of damages to apply in the case, the person must have incurred that type of damage. Pain and suffering compensation is awarded in proportion to the relative severity of harm.

Examples of Average Settlements for Car Accidents

Example #1: A rear-end accident occurs. The victim goes to the doctor to be treated for a mild concussion. They miss one week of work but otherwise recover. Their vehicle needs repairs. The person has $700 in medical bills and $3,000 in vehicle repairs. Their missed work costs them $1,000 in wages. They are also compensated $1,000 for pain and suffering. The total award is $5,700.

Example #2: A sideswipe accident occurs at 40 miles per hour. The victim suffers a broken arm, cuts, and bruises and misses three weeks of work. Medical bills total $15,000. The vehicle was worth $22,000. Lost income costs them $6,000.

They receive $10,000 in pain and suffering compensation. The total amount of compensation is $53,000.

Example #3: A severe accident results in paralysis. The person’s entire life is severely disrupted, and they will not be able to continue to work in the same capacity. Totaling medical bills, financial losses, and other damages, valued at today’s dollars, results in an award of $1.2 million.

When To Negotiate or Pursue Litigation for Higher Compensation

Evaluate whether the settlement offer is within the likely range of case outcomes if you were to take your case to trial.

Consider total damages, the likelihood that you would receive that amount if you were to take your case to trial, and the time and expense of going to trial. A lawyer can help you evaluate your settlement offer as you decide what to do next.

How To Maximize Your Car Accident Settlement in North Carolina

To maximize your car accident settlement in North Carolina, take the following steps:

  • Seek medical attention right away
  • Make sure the accident is reported to the police
  • Save records and documentation of treatment, cost estimates, and other related things
  • Involve a lawyer early
  • Build evidence of fault and damages
  • Understand what your case is worth and why so you can evaluate settlement offers

A lawyer can help you at all stages to maximize your car accident settlement.

Contact an Experienced Wilmington Car Accident Lawyer

Are you wondering if you will receive the average car accident settlement in North Carolina? Do you want to maximize your settlement amount? Contact Horton & Mendez Injury Attorneys.

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