Injury & Accident Law Blog

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Workers’ Comp Claims for Warehouse Accident Injuries

Statistics show that working in a warehouse is one of the most dangerous occupations, almost as hazardous as construction work. …

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What Is Off-Tracking on Trucks?

Every move and maneuver matters when someone is driving a truck. If the truck driver makes an error when turning, …

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Suing for Wrongful Death in a Motorcycle Accident

A wrongful death case is your family’s own personal injury action when your loved one is killed while on a …

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How to Appeal a Workers’ Comp Denial in North Carolina

Your workers’ compensation claim may not go as smoothly as you hoped. There is an insurance company involved in the …

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Can You Get Pain and Suffering in a Car Accident?

A car accident will have a number of effects on your life. When you are dealing with physical injuries, it …

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Can TRICARE Liens on a Car Accident be Reduced?

TRICARE liens on a car accident claim can be reduced for several reasons including unrelated treatment, future medical care expenses …

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Does Workers’ Comp Require Drug Testing?

There are some reasons why an employee would not be paid benefits for a work-related injury in North Carolina. If …

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Car Accident While on Active Duty: What Happens?

There are thousands of active duty service members in our region of North Carolina. Every day, many of these servicemembers …

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Lump Sum vs. Structured Workers’ Comp Settlements

When you are eligible for permanent workers’ compensation disability benefits, you are faced with a choice of how you receive …

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