Injury & Accident Law Blog

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North Carolina’s Attractive Nuisance Doctrine

In most cases, property owners owe very few duties of care to a trespasser on their property. This does not …

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What Is a Truck Carriage Underride Accident?

Underride accidents are when a passenger vehicle collides with a truck and ends up underneath the tractor-trailer. These are often …

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Can You Sue an Estate for Wrongful Death?

If you or a loved one were involved in an accident with another party, there is a chance that the …

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Workers’ Comp Retaliation: Can You Be Fired After Getting Hurt at Work?

Even when you have been granted the workers’ compensation benefits that you need, things may still not be smooth sailing. …

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Will You Have to Pay Your Own Medical Bills After a Car Accident?

Car accident victims often face a financial crunch when they are awaiting a settlement. Even if you know that you …

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What If You Were Physically Assaulted at an Airbnb or Vrbo?

If someone else has assaulted you at a short-term rental property, Airbnb and Vrbo may not be able to fully …

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What Is a Right-Turn Squeeze Accident?

Right-hand turns are particularly difficult for trucks because they will not make the turn in a traditional way. Drivers and …

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Can You Sue for Premises Liability If You Signed a Waiver?

By now, you are probably familiar with the injury waivers that are put in front of you under many circumstances. …

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Who Pays the Deductible in a Car Accident?

You may be confronted with many costs after your car accident. You could hear terms that you may not understand, …

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